Roses are Red…and Good for Your Skin!

It’s often argued that roses are one of nature’s finest creations. Many authors and poets use their beauty as a standard by which to compare all others, and they are well known for their sweet smell. What you may not know is that rose oil and rosewater are also incredible …

First Look – Dermalogica Hydrate and Glow Gift with Purchase

Now that the weather is finally starting to turn autumnal, we’re already feeling the effects of the change, not least of all in our skin. Already, dryness is starting to creep in and the glow that we enjoyed during the summer months is well and truly dissipating. If you’re thinking …

The Wonders of Water

We all know that water is an important part of our diet. Drinking plenty of fluids allows the body to function correctly and helps us to avoid dehydration. Dehydrated bodies can suffer from dry skin, tiredness, dark circles around the eyes and a whole other list of symptoms that can …

Luxury for Men from Elemis

There’s no denying that the luxury beauty market for women is HUGE, but the market for men’s luxury beauty is also growing at an exponential rate. Men’s grooming is more popular than ever, with a shift in attitudes meaning that men are now proud to look after themselves, rather than …

Five Beauty Products You Should Avoid and What to Replace Them With

One of the things we love about beauty products is that many companies strive to invent and innovate, putting money back into researching the best and newest ingredients to use on your skin. With new discoveries comes the realisation that some old methods should be left in the past, and …