Five Changes for your 40+ Skincare Routine

For many women, reaching 40 feels like a very significant point in their lives. You’re just old enough to not feel like a spring chicken any more (or maybe you’re lucky and you still do!) but you’re not over the hill in ANY way, shape or form. Many of us …

Minimalist Beauty – What are the Essential Steps?

In recent years, beauty and skincare have taken off in a big way, much to our delight. Every celebrity has their own range of products, people are taking beauty routines from far-flung shores like Korea and everyone is taking their skincare just a bit more seriously. But, with people’s daily …

Korean Skincare the Pure Beauty Way

When people hear the phrase “Korean skincare”, many assume that this means that all of the products need to be of Korean origin, making it a little inaccessible to us in the West. However, Korean skincare is more of an ethos than a strict list of products, containing a number …

Busting the Oldest Beauty Myths

When it comes to old wisdom regarding beauty, we’re the first to admit that some of it really does work. There’s no denying that witch hazel is a wondrous product, nor that drinking water helps your complexion, but there are also a lot of other anecdotal ‘tips’ out there which …

Getting Ready for Christmas the Pure Beauty Way

Here at Pure Beauty, we like to keep thing simple while making ourselves feel as amazing as possible and Christmas is no exception. However, Christmas is such a busy time of year that our getting ready time is often cut into by all the other things that need doing. However, …