The Kids are Back at School – You Deserve a Treat!

It’s almost the beginning of September, which can mean only one thing – school will be starting soon and you’ve survived the holidays! As much as we all love spending lots of time with our little cherubs in the holidays, there’s no denying the fact that we’re suffering with a …

Follow This Guide to Get Your Smoothest Skin Ever

If you’re not one of those people who was blessed with ultra-smooth skin, you may look at those with a complexion like porcelain and wonder what sort of witchcraft they employ to help them get a perfect skin texture. However, there’s no great mystery to smooth skin, just a good …

Five Tips for Silky Hair

Do you ever look at other people and wonder just HOW they ended up with such perfect, silky hair, while you were blessed with something which makes you look like the lovechild of Doc Brown from Back to the Future and Tina Turner, circa 1986? Well, the chances are, those …

Product Focus: Decleor Anti-Ageing Discovery Kit

Here at Pure Beauty, we love it when our favourite brands release kits, because it means that we get to try things without needing to commit to buying the full size version. The latest kit to hit our shelves is the Decleor Anti-Ageing Discovery Kit, which is packed full of …

Perfect Your Pores with Pure Beauty

Thanks to airbrushing and Instagram ‘celebrities’, the quest for perfect skin seems to have become even more unattainable. Everyone’s skin seems to be blemish free, and open pores are buffed into oblivion with the help of re-touching. While we can’t promise to give you skin like an Instagram model, we …