The Kids are Back at School – You Deserve a Treat!

It’s almost the beginning of September, which can mean only one thing – school will be starting soon and you’ve survived the holidays! As much as we all love spending lots of time with our little cherubs in the holidays, there’s no denying the fact that we’re suffering with a …

Is The Tour de France Giving You the Cycling Bug?

With the Tour de France in full swing, the uptake in cycling as a hobby has taken its yearly upswing, with more people than ever getting out on their bikes. If you’re enjoying a bit of cycling, you may have encountered some of the slight issues that cycling can create, …

What To Do If You Feel Like You’ve Let Yourself Go

There are a lot of things that can make us feel like we’ve let ourselves go, from bereavement to break-ups, births and illnesses, but it’s never too late to pull it back and get to a point where you feel like yourself again. Beauty is probably the last thing on …

Dealing with Untidy Cuticles

Although some of us are lucky enough to be able to have live where we barely lift a finger to do the manual parts of life like cleaning and gardening, the majority of us have to get stuck in, and this can leave our hands in bad condition. Cleaning your …

Let Pure Beauty look after your hands

We exposure our hands to external factors such as pollution, UV radiation and harsh washing up chemicals every day, but how often do you actually really give them the TLC they deserve, and need? We know to take care of our complexion and our body, but our hands seem to …