Cheat Your Way to a Dewy Complexion

You know those lucky people with naturally dewy skin who can just wake up, wash their face and leave the house without having to make any additional effort to make their skin look fantastic? Yeah…that’s not us! Here at Pure Beauty, we’re more than happy to admit that although we …

Switch-Up Your Skincare for Springtime

Spring is a time when people feel the need to make changes, slip out of the ‘hibernation’ frame of mind and mirror nature’s cycle of starting anew. It’s a great time for switching up your skincare routine too, so we thought we’d take a look at some of the changes …

Don’t Neglect Your Neck!

It’s all well and good following a strict regime of facial care, but if you’re not taking care of your neck and chest, the whole thing is pointless. Despite being one of the main areas to show signs of ageing, the neck is probably one of the more neglected areas, …

Feeling the lemon love at Pure Beauty

Did you know that the little yellow lemon can help with the treatment of throat infections, indigestion, constipation, fever, rheumatism, burns, obesity, respiratory disorders and high blood pressure,? Well it can and it can also really benefit your hair and skin too. At Pure Beauty we sell a range of products …