The sun has got his hat on so protect your skin

With temperatures hotting up, it is only natural to shed those winter layers and let our skin soak up the sun. While this is great for topping up often depleted Vitamin D levels, those UV rays can easily damage the skin and lead to serious health conditions as well as causing …

Shop at Pure Beauty for a spring complexion

The winter can be harsh on our skin and the combination of the elements as well as layers of clothing, air conditioning and central hearing can cause damage that can be hard to repair. With spring on the way, now is the perfect time to go back to basics and get your …

Let Pure Beauty look after your hands

We exposure our hands to external factors such as pollution, UV radiation and harsh washing up chemicals every day, but how often do you actually really give them the TLC they deserve, and need? We know to take care of our complexion and our body, but our hands seem to …

Say bye to sensitive skin with Dermalogica

Sensitive skin blights the lives of many and it can be painful and noticeable, causing embarrassment and stress. Red patches, dryness, blemishes, itchy patches, tingles, tightness and stinging can all be classed as sensitive skin and at Pure Beauty we can help. We stock the Ultra Calming System from Dermalogica, a …

Getting Ahead of the Signs of Ageing

It may seem like your thirties are way too soon to even be considering anti-ageing products, but for many women it can seem like no sooner do you leave your twenties that things like fine lines start to creep up on you. It’s never too early to think about anti-ageing …