Five Changes for your 40+ Skincare Routine

For many women, reaching 40 feels like a very significant point in their lives. You’re just old enough to not feel like a spring chicken any more (or maybe you’re lucky and you still do!) but you’re not over the hill in ANY way, shape or form. Many of us …

Skincare Issues – Eczema

We all know about the usual ‘skin types’, but there are certain skincare issues which fall outside of these common types and eczema is one of them. According to the British Skincare Foundation “Atopic eczema is a very common skin condition due to skin inflammation. It may start at any …

Five Tips for Dealing with Rosacea

If you suffer with rosacea, you’ll know how tricky it can be to deal with. It causes redness on the nose, chin, cheeks, and forehead. People with rosacea can also develop red solid bumps and pus-filled pimples. It affects one in 10 people in the UK, mostly in the 30 …

5 Underlying Causes for Redness

Facial redness is a daily issue for many of us, and although there are lots of products out there which can help, they don’t always address the underlying issue. A lot of facial redness is misdiagnosed as rosacea, which means that many of us go through the rigmarole of trying …

Keep your skin calm thanks to Pure Beauty products

Whether it’s cold, raining, snowing or windy, our skin reacts to the winter elements in different ways, and not always in the way we would like it to. At Pure Beauty we stock a range of outstanding products from exemplary brands and today we are looking at how you can …