Switch-Up Your Skincare for Springtime

Spring is a time when people feel the need to make changes, slip out of the ‘hibernation’ frame of mind and mirror nature’s cycle of starting anew. It’s a great time for switching up your skincare routine too, so we thought we’d take a look at some of the changes …

Boost your skin with the goodness of oranges

We all know fresh fruit is good for our skin and hair, but we often forget that the humble orange is phenomenal and full of ingredients that will help to boost your complexion! The natural oils in oranges help moisturise skin so it looks softer and healthier and thanks to …

How to Deal with Ingrown Hairs

There are very few people on the planet who’ve ever managed to avoid ingrown hairs – whether you’re male or female, there’s a good chance that you remove hair from some part of your body by either shaving, waxing, threading or some other method and this automatically increases your risk …

Flower power at Pure Beauty

The power of flowers isn’t something to be underestimated. They can brighten up a rainy day, show someone they are loved and can also help care for your skin. For centuries, people have been using the power of flowers and plants to help soothe and improve the skin and today, …

Skin Focus – Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris may sound like some sort of tropical disease, but it is in fact a really common skin condition which affects many people all over the world. It’s characterised by areas of rough, raised skin which looks permanently goose-pimpled, usually affecting the upper arms, buttocks and thighs. It’s completely …