5 Beauty Secrets Everyone Should Know

There are people out there whose job it is to either look good at all times or make other people look good at all times. Models, actresses, people in the media and the make up and skincare gurus who look after them are fonts of beauty information and can teach …

5 Underlying Causes for Redness

Facial redness is a daily issue for many of us, and although there are lots of products out there which can help, they don’t always address the underlying issue. A lot of facial redness is misdiagnosed as rosacea, which means that many of us go through the rigmarole of trying …

Wrinkles – Why You Get Them and What to do About it.

For many of us, wrinkles are just a fact of life, something that happens once we reach a certain age and are just a sign that we’re getting older. There are, however, many different causes of wrinkles, and knowing those signs means that there are things you can do to …

Get a clear start on acne

Being a teenager can be fun, boring, exciting, exhausting and everything in between. Add acne into the mix and that can be one thing too many to deal with. Selfies need to be filtered, make up has to be maxed out and if a date is coming up, it might …

A Beginners Guide to Better Skin

Working with beauty products, day in, day out, means that we at Pure Beauty come into contact with a lot of different people, all of whom have different skin and different issues. It’s taught us that, although every single face is different, there are a few basic truths which remain …