Introducing Pure Beauty’s Newest Brand – Nailtiques!

Here at Pure Beauty, we’re always thrilled to add a new range of products to our shelves. We’ve been feeling for a while that we lacked a comprehensive line which focused on the hands and nails, which is why we’re now stocking Nailtiques, an innovator in the worldwide nail care …

What’s Inside the Dermalogica Festive Skin Essentials Kit?

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, or so the song tells us, which is why we’re giving away a Dermalogica Festive Skin Essentials Kit for free, with every Dermalogica purchase over £70. It would make an amazing gift for someone you love, or even a special treat for …

Pamper Your Pores

Taking care of the fundamentals is really important for good skin, and there’s nothing more fundamental than your pores. Humans have two types of pores, hair follicles and sweat pores, and it’s the hair follicles we’re concerned with as these create and secrete sebum. Pores can be problematic though, with …

Looking After Your Scalp

There are many reasons for a dry itchy scalp, from the products you’re using on your hair to central heating or even having the shower too hot while you’re washing your hair. A dry scalp can make your head feel itchy and tight and can even leave you with unsightly …

Five Things to Consider Before You Exfoliate

Exfoliating your skin may seem like a simple step in your skin routine, but there’s actually a lot more to exfoliating than you think. Depending on your skin type, exfoliating can be a no-no unless you do it right, so we thought we’d take a look at five things that …