All About the Hair

Quite often we talk about our skincare routines, or body care routines, or even routines for keeping our nails healthy and long, but rarely do I see people regularly talking about their haircare routines. Personally, I am one of those people who go to the Hairdressers every now and again, …

My Top Tranquil Treatments

I have worked in the Spa and Beauty industry for a few years now, and over time my favourite treatments have changed. As I have become qualified in more and more, and my knowledge of brands, products and different treatments grow, I always find something new to become excited about, …

How to Embrace Your Greys and Live Your Best Life!

Grey hair has been gaining popularity for a couple of years now, but the look seems to be most popular amongst younger women, choosing to dye their locks, rather than older women who are embracing their natural colour. However, with the likes of Jane Fonda and Sharon Osbourne proudly embracing …

Helping Your Hair to Grow Long and Strong

In our experience, there’s two types of people when it comes to short hairstyles – there’s those who brave the chop and absolutely love it, and then there are those who deal with immediate regrets. If you fall into the latter category, you may be trying to find ways to …

How to Curl Your Hair Without Heat

If you’re a fan of curly hair but were born with something resembling stair rods growing from your head, you probably spend a lot of time using heated appliances to achieve your preferred look. However, in this heat, using heated wands and other tools to curl your hair can be …