Grey hair has been gaining popularity for a couple of years now, but the look seems to be most popular amongst younger women, choosing to dye their locks, rather than older women who are embracing their natural colour. However, with the likes of Jane Fonda and Sharon Osbourne proudly embracing their greying manes, it seems that grey hair on older women is no longer a faux pas. If you decided to ditch the dye and embrace your natural silver tones, we’ve got some tips that can help you to make the transition a little easier:
Get a Colour Correction
It’s SUPER common for women to start letting their greys grow out and get sick of having long, mismatched roots, so they opt for the chop and get a short, pixie-style haircut. However, if you’re not ready for such a drastic change of colour AND style, or just feel that short hair isn’t for you, a good colourist can strip the dye out of your hair and match the lengths to the roots. This will save the unsightly growing out process and give you the confidence to go grey gracefully.
More Moisture!
Just like ageing skin, ageing hair can also lose moisture and start to feel very dry and coarse. To keep your greys looking shiny and lustrous, rather than dull and flat, invest in a deeply moisturising treatment like Decleor Aroma Nutrition Satin Softening Dry Oil and applying it regularly. It will give your hair some much needed moisture and will also prevent breakages.
Make Time for Masks
Taking care of grey hair is more than your regular shampoo and conditioner and investing in a hair mask can improve your locks greatly. We’d recommend Elemis Exotic Frangipani Monoi Hair and Scalp Mask, which is a luxurious weekly, intensive hair and scalp mask treatment formulated with Frangipani Monoi and Pink Clay to help restore softness and strength to dry, damaged hair.
Invest in a Brightening Cream
Grey hair looks amazing with almost every skin tone, but when you first make the transition it can sometimes be a shock to the system. We advise all of our customers who are embracing the grey to invest in a really good skin brightening cream, such as Dermalogica Biolumin-C Serum to give your face a brighter look, which will ensure you feel luminous with your new silver hair.
Use a Night Cream
There’s a fine line between being glamourous in grey and looking ashy and tired, and using a high-end night cream can make all the difference. Applying Decleor Green Mandarin Glow Night Balm will allow you to wake up with glowing skin, as well a visibly reduced fine lines and wrinkles.