Supercharge Your Skincare with Marvellous Matcha

Photo by Matcha & CO on Unsplash Most people know that green tea and matcha are good for them but many people don’t really know the difference between the two. Matcha is a finely ground powder, made from green tea leaves which have been specially grown in shady areas. This …

New Year, New Skincare Routine

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels The beginning of a new year is often a time where people want to make a change, start something new or make a pledge to overhaul an old behaviour. New Year’s resolutions are usually started with the best intentions but don’t always make it past …

Exercise and your Skin

Exercise, a word which always brings me mixed feelings. On one hand, I love the feeling I get after a good workout. Running outdoors and Pilates are my personal go to. But actually, getting to that good feeling, well that’s another set of emotions entirely.  Of course, we all know …

Moisturisers to calm and soothe sensitive skin

Each and every one of us has a different skin type with its own unique quirks and issues. For people who are prone to sensitive skin, the slightest change in weather, perfume, products and even washing powder can lead to redness, irritation and itching. While we can’t control the seasons, …

Get to grips with problem skin at Pure Beauty

We bet that anyone you talk to, however confident they seem and comfortable they appear to be, will have a skin issue or problem that gets them down. Dark circles. Fine lines. Sagging skin. Spots. Pigmentation. Whatever it is, someone other than you will be dealing with it. We are …