4 Ways That Showering is Making Your Skin Dry

  We’ve talked at length about all of the different things which dry our skin out, and in the winter it seems as though the whole world is conspiring to make us flaky. However, a lot of our customers report that their skin feels at it’s very driest after taking …

Chamomile, not just for tea

When you think of chamomile, you tend to automatically think of the herbal tea that helps lower stress levels, regulate sleep and boosts the immune system. However, it is the soothing qualities of this plant that can also have a positive impact on our skin. Due to the anti-inflammatory and …

An Apple a Day Keeps the Dermatologist At Bay!

November is a big time in the apple harvesting calendar, with many varieties ready to pick and enjoy in crumbles, pies and other delights, but did you know that apples contain enzymes which are really good for your skin? Several of the products we sell contain some element of apple …

Choose a Free Trial Size Cleanser with All Dermalogica Orders

At Pure Beauty, we like to think we offer excellent products, value for money and exceptional service. We like to reward customer loyalty and are currently offering a free trial size Dermalogica cleanser with all Dermalogica orders. You can add a trial size Special Cleansing Gel or Ultra Calming Cleanser …

Skin Focus – Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris may sound like some sort of tropical disease, but it is in fact a really common skin condition which affects many people all over the world. It’s characterised by areas of rough, raised skin which looks permanently goose-pimpled, usually affecting the upper arms, buttocks and thighs. It’s completely …