The Benefits of Using a Face Mask Regularly: Treat Yourself to a Glowing Complexion

Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash Face masks aren’t just a pampering indulgence for a spa day (although they’re certainly wonderful for that too!). Regularly incorporating face masks into your skincare routine can offer a surprising range of benefits for your skin. Whether you’re looking for deep hydration, a boost …

Five Tips for Taking Care of Sensitive Skin

As winter blankets the world in a layer of frost, our skin faces a new set of challenges. The cold, dry air can wreak havoc on even the healthiest skin, and for those with sensitive skin, the season can be particularly harsh. In this blog post, we’ll explore five essential …

Five Products to Protect Your Skin’s Own Barrier

Photo by Amanda Dalbjörn on Unsplash Most of us know that the skin is made up of a combination of different layers, which all perform their own function, but you may not know what the top layer, or barrier, is and does. Simply put, the skin barrier is a watertight …

Looking After Your Hands During Self-Isolation

We’re now at a point where most of us are staying indoors if we’re able, and handwashing seems to be something we do more than anything else. Of course, constantly using soaps to wash our hands is going to leave them dry and cracked in the long run, so we’ve …

Product Focus – Decleor Antidote Serum

As you know if you’re a long-time reader of our blog, we love to take the time to cast the spotlight on some of our new and extra special products when they hit our shelves. This week, it’s the turn of one of the newest serums from Decleor, their Antidote …