Keep Cool During the Heatwave

We don’t know about you, but here at Pure Beauty our main concern at the moment is just keeping cool. It’s too hot for much apart from sitting very still, next to a fan, and drinking iced water, and make-up is basically sliding off before we’ve even finished applying it! …

Let Pure Beauty Help You to Reduce Your Redness

Let’s face it, with the mercury hitting all-time highs here in the UK right now, pretty much everyone is re-faced, but when the temperatures go back to normal, for some of us the redness remains. Fortunately, we’ve got several products which can help you to combat the redness and stop …

Is The Tour de France Giving You the Cycling Bug?

With the Tour de France in full swing, the uptake in cycling as a hobby has taken its yearly upswing, with more people than ever getting out on their bikes. If you’re enjoying a bit of cycling, you may have encountered some of the slight issues that cycling can create, …

Product Focus: Decleor Anti-Ageing Discovery Kit

Here at Pure Beauty, we love it when our favourite brands release kits, because it means that we get to try things without needing to commit to buying the full size version. The latest kit to hit our shelves is the Decleor Anti-Ageing Discovery Kit, which is packed full of …

Cheat Your Way to Looking Well-Rested

We all know that 8 hours of restful sleep is the ideal amount, but sometimes it’s just not possible. Whether you’re putting in the extra hours at work, up with small children, studying or partying, there always seems to be something messing with your night’s sleep, so we thought we’d …