Why Prebiotic Beauty Should Be Part of Your Routine

We’ve all heard of probiotics, either the little drinks that you can buy in the supermarket to help your tummy or the pills you can take to aid your inner wellbeing. But as well as probiotics, using prebiotics can also be beneficial, especially to your skin. Prebiotics are a type …

Plump Your Way to Perfection

In most situations, if someone described you as ‘plump’, you’d probably be pretty miffed, but when it comes to skin, plumped-up actually equals pretty perfect! Having skin which is plumped and healthy means that wrinkles and fine lines disappear and signs of ageing are erased, so with that in mind, …

Assessing Your Weekly Skin Routine

One of the most commonly asked questions by our clients is “what should my daily skincare routine be?”. While this is an important question, a lot of people tend to overlook the things which should be done on a weekly basis to keep their skin healthy. With this in mind, …

FREE! Dermalogica Ultimate Masque Kit – What’s Inside?

Anyone who knows anything about skincare knows that masques (or masks, depending on which you prefer) are big business at the moment. They’re great to use on their own, or even ‘multi-masking’ which means using a targeted treatment on different parts of your face. At the moment, we’re offering a …

Hot Cloth Cleansing – What is it and why should you be doing it?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re sure to have heard people talking about hot cloth cleansers, and everywhere from budget supermarkets to high-end brands seem to have come up with their own version. But what is hot cloth cleansing and is it something you should be trying? What …