Caring for Post-Acne Skin

So, you had acne in the past and have been lucky enough to recover with clear skin. This is great news for acne-sufferers, but many people in the recovery stage still worry about how to care for their skin so that the acne scars are minimised and the spots stay …

Fight the Frizz and Get Smoother Hair

This is the time of year when frizzy hair is harder to control than ever. The damp air, central heating and constant temperature changes can play havoc with hair which already has a tendency towards frizz. With this in mind, we thought we’d give you a few tips to try …

Dealing With a Last Minute Spot Emergency

We’ve all been there – an important day arrives, be it the first day of a new job, a date or an interview, and lo and behold, we wake up with a rather unfortunate pimple in a very noticeable place. You need a way to get rid of it, and …

Peptides – What They Are and Why You Should Love Them

In the world of beauty, it can sometimes seem like a lot of jargon and buzzwords get thrown around like they’re the greatest thing in the world, when most of us don’t really know what they mean. Some things, however, are worth learning about and peptides are one of them. …

Five Beauty “Hacks” Which Just Aren’t Worth Trying…

The internet is absolutely full of wonderful information, allowing you to learn everything from cake decorating to changing your car battery with just a few minutes research. However, for every bit of information, there’s just as much MISinformation, much of which is beauty related, so we thought we’d do some …