Autumn is the Time for Ath-Leisure

Ath-leisure is one of those mixed-up words which seems to be popping up everywhere at the moment, but it describes the concept of going from gym to everyday life perfectly. Wearing leggings is no longer just for the gym, and many of us are combining gym and social life by …

Bonus cash back reward points

At Pure Beauty not only do we pride ourselves in selling some of the best products in the world, but also on our customer service. We appreciate loyalty and return business and to say thanks we are currently offering triple reward points on all orders so you can treat yourself in the …

Body Therapy from Dermalogica

We often think about pampering our faces because that is what the world sees most of the time. With spring in the air and the clocks going forwards this weekend, at Pure Beauty we are getting our bodies ready for the warmer spring days too. As well as a healthy diet, plenty …