5 Key Places You Should Be Exfoliating

This time of year often inspires us to keep everything under wraps, because anything else is just too cold, but this usually means that our skin is in poor condition by the time spring rolls around. Sticking to a regular regime of exfoliation even during the colder months will help …

Make Sunday night spa night with Pure Beauty

Rather than watching TV, catching up on emails or doing the ironing, why not make Sunday night a spa night in 2017? End the weekend with a little bit of pampering so that you go to bed feeling relaxed and ready for the week ahead? Run a bath, put some …

Spa at home with Dermalogica

Ask many women what their ideal treat would be and we imagine many would say a spa treatment. Whilst we do have a salon based in Litchfield we understand that you don’t always have the time to visit and actually might not be that close by, but don’t worry, we …

Body Therapy from Dermalogica

We often think about pampering our faces because that is what the world sees most of the time. With spring in the air and the clocks going forwards this weekend, at Pure Beauty we are getting our bodies ready for the warmer spring days too. As well as a healthy diet, plenty …

Unwind with Dermalogica

The presents have been unwrapped, the food has been eaten, cocktails mixed and drunk and now is the time to sit back and relax. It is quite likely that the stresses and strains for the past few weeks plus the late nights and champagne will have taken a toil on …