Refine Your Look With Pure Beauty

When we think of someone who is refined, usually an upper class person who is well-educated and well-dressed springs to mind, however, when it comes to beauty, one doesn’t need elocution lessons or a personal dressmaker to be refined! Here at Pure Beauty, we stock several products which help to …

Tighten up with Pure Beauty

Sagging skin is one of the more annoying signs of ageing, but one which most of us have to deal with at some point. As we age, our bodies’ ability to produce collagen, the thing that sustains the skins structure, and we usually need a little extra help to keep …

Wrinkles – Why You Get Them and What to do About it.

For many of us, wrinkles are just a fact of life, something that happens once we reach a certain age and are just a sign that we’re getting older. There are, however, many different causes of wrinkles, and knowing those signs means that there are things you can do to …

The Week Before Your Wedding

Wedding season is well and truly upon us, which means that many of us are in full blown prep mode, making sure we’re looking and feeling our best before the big day. We’re sure you’ve got your beauty schedule sorted, but we thought we’d put together a list of things …

Natural Products from Pure Beauty

Here at Pure Beauty, we’re crazy about all things beauty related, but we do keep a special place in our hearts for products which are all, or almost, all-natural. These products take ingredients and inspiration from nature, harnessing the power of natural products and give us the confidence to use …