Product Focus: Dermalogica Phyto-Nature Firming Serum

We’re so thrilled to announce that we’re stocking the newest and most powerful serum from Dermalogica, their Dermalogica Phyto-Nature Firming Serum. As always, we like to take a closer look at new products so that our customers can understand exactly what they’re buying, so without further ado, here’s everything you …

Create Yourself a Menopause Survival Kit

The menopause can be a relief for many women because it means the end of their menstrual cycle and having to deal with periods each month. However, the depleting hormones can have their downside, like hot flushes, skin irritation and hair loss, so we thought we’d put together a list …

It’s Not Just the Weather That’s Getting Balmy!

With the weather going from one extreme to another, it’s hard to know if we should be following a hardcore hot weather skincare routine, or reaching for the wet weather gear! All we know is, we’re keeping our skincare as balmy as the current weather with these, our five favourite …

Five Changes for your 40+ Skincare Routine

For many women, reaching 40 feels like a very significant point in their lives. You’re just old enough to not feel like a spring chicken any more (or maybe you’re lucky and you still do!) but you’re not over the hill in ANY way, shape or form. Many of us …

Plump Your Way to Perfection

In most situations, if someone described you as ‘plump’, you’d probably be pretty miffed, but when it comes to skin, plumped-up actually equals pretty perfect! Having skin which is plumped and healthy means that wrinkles and fine lines disappear and signs of ageing are erased, so with that in mind, …