Revive Your Skin with Pure Beauty

Even if you have what seems like a good skincare routine, it can be easy to get stuck in a rut with the same old products, which can sometimes leave your skin looking a little lacklustre. Sometimes it can do us good to change things up a little in order …

They’re Never Too Young for Skincare!

If you’re a parent who takes care of their skin and spends time on a proper skincare routine, there’s a good chance that your kids have seen you do it, and maybe they even ask to join in! There are some incredibly potent products on our site that are strictly …

Combat Redness with Pure Beauty

There are a whole load of reasons for redness on the face, many of which can be easily combatted by using the right product. Here at Pure Beauty we’ve got a whole arsenal of anti-redness products to choose from so we thought we’d tell you about five of our favourites, …

MediBac – the Dermalogica way to treat adult acne

There is nothing more disheartening than having to use an eye cream as well as spot cream as part of a grown up beauty regime. Popular belief is that acne is something suffered by teenagers, but the reality can be quite different. Problem skin can affect anyone at any age and …

Wake Up to Smoother Skin

In the words of the legendary Ray Charles, ‘night time is the right time’…for skincare! During the day, we often opt for products which aren’t as effective as it means we don’t have to deal with the shiny effects of richer lotions. However, using products specifically for use at night …