Embracing ALL Skin Types with Pure Beauty

When you have a really specific skin type, searching for cosmetics and skin care which suit you can be utterly exhausting at times. However, every so often we happen upon a product which is designed to help ALL skin types, making it the real MVP of skincare! Today, we’re rolling …

Scrub up with Pure Beauty

Cleanse, tone and moisturise are the beauty routine mantra many swear by, but adding a little scrubbing into the mix can be a good thing. Far from upsetting the skin and making it red and raw, the right scrub for your skin can really revitalise it and bring it back …

A Beginners Guide to Better Skin

Working with beauty products, day in, day out, means that we at Pure Beauty come into contact with a lot of different people, all of whom have different skin and different issues. It’s taught us that, although every single face is different, there are a few basic truths which remain …

Shop at Pure Beauty and create a home spa

Imagine stepping into your bathroom and feeling as it you are walking into your favourite spa? OK, there’s the matter of the towels on the floors, the rubber ducks in the bath and a smile face drawn in the mist on the shower door, but have a quick tidy up, …

Add a serum to your beauty regime

Serums certainly aren’t new to a decent beauty skincare routine, but what many people don’t realise is that the right one can take you from good skin to great skin. Whether it’s an age-defying, glow-enhancing product or a moisture-boosting serum you’re looking for, at Pure-Beauty we think we have got one that …