4 Reasons to Never Sleep in your Make-Up

Women of all ages know that sleeping in your make-up is a bad idea because it can clog your pores and lead to spots. However, there are actually a whole load of other reasons to wash your face before bed, some of which are actually far more disgusting than a …

Transform Your Skin for Under £50

So, you’ve decided to upgrade your skincare and you’ve got a set budget for doing so. It’s really tempting to go out and buy as many products as you can afford from your beauty budget, but actually splurging on one fabulous product which does several jobs could make a much …

It’s all glow at Pure Beauty

At Pure-Beauty we sell a range of gorgeous products that care for your skin so it looks and feels great and gives you an inner confidence that makes you glow. Today we are taking a look at some of the products that we think go above and beyond and hope …

Five Ways to Bring Out Your Inner ‘Morning Person’

There seems two be to types of people in the world – those who leap out of bed in the morning, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, while the others take a rather less enthusiastic approach. For most of us, being a ‘morning person’ is just not in our make up and spending …

Feeling the lemon love at Pure Beauty

Did you know that the little yellow lemon can help with the treatment of throat infections, indigestion, constipation, fever, rheumatism, burns, obesity, respiratory disorders and high blood pressure,? Well it can and it can also really benefit your hair and skin too. At Pure Beauty we sell a range of products …