Moisturisers to calm and soothe sensitive skin

Each and every one of us has a different skin type with its own unique quirks and issues. For people who are prone to sensitive skin, the slightest change in weather, perfume, products and even washing powder can lead to redness, irritation and itching. While we can’t control the seasons, …

Give your skin a boost this winter with Dermalogica at Pure-Beauty

Every now and again we look in the mirror and sigh as we see a tired face staring back at us. Busy lives, endless demands and changing temperatures can play havoc with your skin, but thanks to the range of product we sell from Dermalogica, you can get things under …

FREE! Dermalogica Trial Sizes with All Dermalogica Orders!

It’s not often you get something from nothing in this world, but at Pure Beauty we are offering FREE Dermalogica trial size products with all Dermalogica orders. Here’s the deal. The more you spend, the more you can order and the allocated number of free products is based on the …

Exfoliate your way to healthy skin

  The chilly winds outside and hot heaters inside, means it isn’t that surprising if you feel your skin has lost your natural glow during the challenging winter months. It’s at this time of the year that our skin becomes dry, flaky, itch and generally sad. Moisturiser can be used but unless you …

Bonus cash back reward points

At Pure Beauty not only do we pride ourselves in selling some of the best products in the world, but also on our customer service. We appreciate loyalty and return business and to say thanks we are currently offering triple reward points on all orders so you can treat yourself in the …