Illuminate Your Skin at Pure Beauty

You will have noticed that it is light when you wake up at the moment, and light when you go to bed as we head towards the longest day of the year. With more time in the day, many of us try to squeeze even more into our lives, so …

Cooking Christmas Dinner Without Losing Your Cool

Christmas Day is fast approaching, and while that means presents and fun for the younger members of the family, for many of us it means spending hours in the kitchen, slaving over a hot stove. Even if you enjoy cooking, Christmas dinner is enough to get anyone hot and bothered, …

When Do I REALLY Need to Start Using an Eye Cream?

Many women are under the impression that anti-ageing products don’t need to be used until the signs of ageing start to show, but if there’s one mantra that we at Pure Beauty stick to it’s “IT’S NEVER TOO SOON!”. Starting to use an eye cream as early as your twenties …