Five Reasons Why Dermalogica Nightly Lip Treatment and Lip Renewal Complex are the ULTIMATE Lip Savers

There are literally millions of people in the world who still use only petroleum jelly on their lips to treat dryness, despite the fact that petroleum-derived products are proved to exacerbate dryness. Here at Pure Beauty, we think we’ve hit on the ultimate combination of our lips, using both Dermalogica …

What Are Beauty Oils Good For?

There’s no denying that beauty oils are big business at the moment – from YouTubers dripping them all over their faces to celebrity endorsements on Instagram, oils have never been more popular. Here at Pure Beauty, we sell several different types of beauty oils, so we thought we’d take a …

Self-Care After Birth

There’s little doubt that for most of us, having a baby takes its toll on us physically and mentally and many of us get months or years down the line and feel like we barely recognise ourselves at all. Between the sleepless nights, lack of time for ourselves and having …

Getting Ready for Valentine’s Day

We now it’s only the middle of January, but we love nothing more than being prepared! Valentine’s Day is just a few weeks away and if you have a special evening, or even a special weekend, planned with your significant other, we’ve got some tips to help you to get …

Getting Ready for Christmas the Pure Beauty Way

Here at Pure Beauty, we like to keep thing simple while making ourselves feel as amazing as possible and Christmas is no exception. However, Christmas is such a busy time of year that our getting ready time is often cut into by all the other things that need doing. However, …