Protect Your Pout with Pure Beauty

From sun exposure to time spent in the sea or pool, there are lots of summer-related things which can affect your lips, leaving them chapped, sore and red. Fortunately, we’ve got a whole bunch of products which can help you to protect your pout, this summer and for the rest …

Dark Circles – What Causes Them and How to Get Rid of Them

There’s not much that can make you look more tired than having dark circles around our eyes, but are they really caused by tiredness and, apart from sleep, is there anything we can do to combat them? Read on for the lowdown on dark circles: What causes them? According to …

Transform Your Skin Overnight

Night creams are a really great way to give your skin some extra help; you usually apply them before bed and sleep in them, which means you’re able to use richer creams which don’t soak in immediately or need to work with make-up. Recently, we’ve added a new night cream …

5 Ways That Stress Plays Havoc With Your Skin

We all know how damaging stress can be to our health, but did you know that it can also cause problems with your complexion, too? Here are just five ways that stress can cause skin issues, some of which may never have even occured to you: It Lowers Your Immune …

4 Reasons to Never Sleep in your Make-Up

Women of all ages know that sleeping in your make-up is a bad idea because it can clog your pores and lead to spots. However, there are actually a whole load of other reasons to wash your face before bed, some of which are actually far more disgusting than a …