5 Beauty Secrets Everyone Should Know

There are people out there whose job it is to either look good at all times or make other people look good at all times. Models, actresses, people in the media and the make up and skincare gurus who look after them are fonts of beauty information and can teach …

How to Deal with Premature Ageing

Ageing is perhaps the one and only fact of life that almost every human on the planet will have to deal with. As we get older, our skin stops producing as much collagen and we start to form wrinkles, lose firmness and generally starts to look less youthful. However, for …

Love the skin you are in with Pure Beauty

While Valentine’s Day is all about expressing your love for others, loving the skin you’re in is most important of all. At Pure-Beauty we stock a fabulous range of products that soothe not only your skin but your mind, body and soul too, so you can feel at peace with …

Cleanse your way to healthy skin

Cleansing is an essential steps for clear, healthy beautiful skin and has to be done morning and night, however tired you are, for the best and consistent results. The thing is, there are so many schools of thought on beauty routines, and more and more products being launched to the market, …

The sun has got his hat on so protect your skin

With temperatures hotting up, it is only natural to shed those winter layers and let our skin soak up the sun. While this is great for topping up often depleted Vitamin D levels, those UV rays can easily damage the skin and lead to serious health conditions as well as causing …