Lavender is in the air at Pure-Beauty

Gone are the days when lavender was a fragrance reserved for the older lady. The Latin name for lavender is ‘Lavare’ which translated means ‘to wash’, but this isn’t where the uses of this wonder plant ends. The health benefits of lavender oil include treating anxiety, insomnia, depression and restlessness. It can also help with …

Autumn the Dermalogica way at Pure Beauty

With the last bank holiday behind us (how did that happen?), schools starting for the new term and holiday makers putting their cases back in the loft, our attention is shifting to autumn. This is a time for new beginnings, long walks in the leaves, scarves and jackets in the …

Feeling the lemon love at Pure Beauty

Did you know that the little yellow lemon can help with the treatment of throat infections, indigestion, constipation, fever, rheumatism, burns, obesity, respiratory disorders and high blood pressure,? Well it can and it can also really benefit your hair and skin too. At Pure Beauty we sell a range of products …

Halt the Effects of Stress with Pure Beauty

Stress. It’s one of the biggest contributors to ill health in the world, but it’s something that almost all of us have to deal with on a regular basis. As well as having knock-on effects such as high blood pressure, insomnia, anxiety and depression, it can also contribute to certain …

Hands-On Beauty

It’s that time of year when we’re all starting to get back out into the garden again, after a winter of neglect, which means that our hands and nails will take a battering from all the digging, trimming planting and pruning. Taking care of your hands required specific products which …