How to Minimise Scarring

Scarring on the face or body can be from a multitude of things. Common reasons are from burns, acne scarring, chickenpox and surgical wounds. They will naturally fade and change colour over time, and some may even get smaller in their size, however, they can be very hard to treat. …

The Benefits of Home Peels and Exfoliators

If your skin is feeling tired and dull, or perhaps you have a specific concern, such as Hyperpigmentation or scarring, then clients often seek the help of professionals. There are many treatments we can offer people, from chemical peels to microneedling, however, having a good, consistent skincare routine is key. …

The Ultimate Beauty List, Wedding Edition

As Lockdowns are eased, and we all start to get back to our normal lives, many businesses are opening again, and events are allowed to be held. One of them being Weddings! I have had many clients tell me that due to Lockdown, their wedding has been cancelled or moved, …

Get to grips with problem skin at Pure Beauty

We bet that anyone you talk to, however confident they seem and comfortable they appear to be, will have a skin issue or problem that gets them down. Dark circles. Fine lines. Sagging skin. Spots. Pigmentation. Whatever it is, someone other than you will be dealing with it. We are …

Korean Skincare the Pure Beauty Way

When people hear the phrase “Korean skincare”, many assume that this means that all of the products need to be of Korean origin, making it a little inaccessible to us in the West. However, Korean skincare is more of an ethos than a strict list of products, containing a number …