Product Focus: Dermalogica Rapid Reveal Peel

We’re so excited to be telling you about the newest Dermalogica product on our shelves, the Dermalogica Rapid Reveal Peel. But what is this product, what does it do, and what else do you need to know about it? Here’s the full lowdown on this little miracle in a tube. …

Give your skin a boost this winter with Dermalogica at Pure-Beauty

Every now and again we look in the mirror and sigh as we see a tired face staring back at us. Busy lives, endless demands and changing temperatures can play havoc with your skin, but thanks to the range of product we sell from Dermalogica, you can get things under …

Say bye to sensitive skin with Dermalogica

Sensitive skin blights the lives of many and it can be painful and noticeable, causing embarrassment and stress. Red patches, dryness, blemishes, itchy patches, tingles, tightness and stinging can all be classed as sensitive skin and at Pure Beauty we can help. We stock the Ultra Calming System from Dermalogica, a …

Maintain a Winter Glow with Dermalogica and Decleor

It only seems like yesterday that we were frolicking around during one of the best summers for decades, feeling all tanned and glowing. Now, we’re well into winter and most of us have well and truly lost that glow. But, fear not – even if a tropical holiday is out …

Reduce Your Pores with Dermalogica and Decleor

Sometimes, it’s possible to have the clearest complexion in the world, only for the overall appearance of your skin to be ruined by large pores. In the old days, we used to be told that splashing our face with cold water would help, but now we realise it’s a little …