How to Minimise Scarring

Scarring on the face or body can be from a multitude of things. Common reasons are from burns, acne scarring, chickenpox and surgical wounds. They will naturally fade and change colour over time, and some may even get smaller in their size, however, they can be very hard to treat. …

Time to Tackle Dry Skin

Dry skin on the face and/or the body is very common. Many of us would have suffered with it at some point in our lifetimes, so what causes it, and how can we tackle this issue? Dry skin is a skin type, and can be caused by a multitude of …

MediK8, Leaders in CSA Philosophy

Many of our brands here at our Salon in Lichfield, as well as our online store, boast a wide range of products, and each have their own philosophies regarding their brand. One of our newest brands that we are proud to offer our clients, is MediK8. MediK8 was born out …

Five Surprising Causes of Wrinkles

When it comes to wrinkles, for many of us, they’re a fact of life. While some people manage to make it to old age with barely a crease on their faces, most of us have to deal with some softening around the eyes and mouth at the very least. We …

5 Beauty Secrets Everyone Should Know

There are people out there whose job it is to either look good at all times or make other people look good at all times. Models, actresses, people in the media and the make up and skincare gurus who look after them are fonts of beauty information and can teach …