Are You Making These Five Mistake When Washing Your Face?

Washing your face seems like the simplest job in the world and something that anyone can do with a degree of success. However, there are actually a few things that you should try to avoid while washing your face, and they’re all a lot more common that you might think. …

How to Keep Dry, Sensitive Skin Happy

There’s a common misconception that dry skin is easy to treat – slap on a bit of moisturiser and your skin will be fine, right? Well, actually, dry skin can be a lot more complicated than that, with sensitivity and even conditions such as rosacea going hand in hand. Sufferers …

Elemis to the Rescue with “Infinite” Collections

If there’s one thing that the people at Elemis know it’s that skincare makes a GREAT Christmas present. But what’s even better is skincare which has been specially curated into sets which target specific skincare issues – which is why the Infinite gift sets were created! Each one contains products …

Roses are Red…and Good for Your Skin!

It’s often argued that roses are one of nature’s finest creations. Many authors and poets use their beauty as a standard by which to compare all others, and they are well known for their sweet smell. What you may not know is that rose oil and rosewater are also incredible …

Sensitive Skin? These Are the Products You Need in Your Life…

Having sensitive skin can be a minefield – you want to make sure that your complexion is clean and taken care of, but you don’t want to irritate your skin further. You probably stick with the same products you’ve always used because you’re scared to change, but using products which …