Wake Up to Smoother Skin

In the words of the legendary Ray Charles, ‘night time is the right time’…for skincare! During the day, we often opt for products which aren’t as effective as it means we don’t have to deal with the shiny effects of richer lotions. However, using products specifically for use at night …

Exfoliate your way to healthy skin

  The chilly winds outside and hot heaters inside, means it isn’t that surprising if you feel your skin has lost your natural glow during the challenging winter months. It’s at this time of the year that our skin becomes dry, flaky, itch and generally sad. Moisturiser can be used but unless you …

Retinol at Pure-Beauty

There isn’t one single factor that will give you dreamy, dewy skin, but adding a little Retinol to your beauty regime might help. This Vitamin A powerhouse is used in many products and can really turn complexions around and address endless complaints and issues from acne to sun damage. It is …

Retinols from Dermalogica

“Retinol” is one of those words that we hear bandied about in adverts for beauty products almost every day, with many claiming it to be a wonder-ingredient. But what is retinol and why do we need it? Well, the long and short of it is pretty simple; it’s the animal …

Exfoliate your way to healthy skin

As well as cleansing, toning and moisturising your skin, if you want to keep it in the very best condition, exfoliation needs to be part of your beauty regime. There are three types of exfoliation: manual, enzyme and chemical and the main benefits of this process are: It improves the texture and …