Can You Actually Get Rid of Stretch Marks?

We’ve written in the past about stretch marks and what can cause them, but with bikini season just around the corner, we thought we’d take another look at stretch marks, what they are, what causes them and if it’s really possible to get rid of them altogether. What Are Stretch …

Changing Seasons, Changing Skincare

For many of us, a skincare routine is something which never changes from day to day and we stick rigidly to the same products. There is, however, wisdom which dictates that our skincare routine, and the products it’s made up of, should change with the season. While we aren’t advocating …

Getting Ready for Valentine’s Day

We now it’s only the middle of January, but we love nothing more than being prepared! Valentine’s Day is just a few weeks away and if you have a special evening, or even a special weekend, planned with your significant other, we’ve got some tips to help you to get …

Five Tips for Looking Less Tired

One of the biggest complaints that we hear from our clients is that they feel they look tired, no matter what they do to combat it. From dark circles and lines around the eyes to a generally lacklustre complexion, the signs of tiredness are tricky to hide, so we thought …

How to Stop Your Foundation from Going Patchy

Party season is well and truly upon us, and everyone we know is out for Christmas drinkies with workmates, friends, family and anyone else who wants to share a bit of festive cheer. For us girls, having flawless make-up is the main aim, and patchy foundation is well and truly …