This is How Long You Should Spend Cleansing Your Face…

Be honest, how long do you spend cleansing your face? Be it with a scrub, a wipe, a cloth and cleanser? We’d be willing to hazards a guess that you do the washing part for just long enough to feel like you went over your whole face, MAYBE your neck …

Five Hacks for Professional-Looking Make-Up

There are many schools of thought when it comes to make up. Some of us fall firmly into the ‘less is more’ category, where a little bit of lippy and not much else will suffice, while others prefer a stronger look with fuller coverage. There’s no right or wrong way …

The Wonders of Water

We all know that water is an important part of our diet. Drinking plenty of fluids allows the body to function correctly and helps us to avoid dehydration. Dehydrated bodies can suffer from dry skin, tiredness, dark circles around the eyes and a whole other list of symptoms that can …

Red Carpet Beauty Secrets

When it’s your job to make people look amazing, you pick up lots of tricks along the way, which is why we find make up artists some of the biggest fountains of knowledge when it comes to skincare and beauty. They’re paid to make top celebrities look stunning on the …

How to Deal with End-of-Year Burnout

The school summer holidays are FINALLY here, and although we’re all looking forward to six weeks of no school runs, there’s no denying that we’re feeling burned out. With end-of-year discos, leavers assemblies, class parties and open evenings navigated successfully, now is the time to treat yourself to a few …