Pure Beauty’s Top 5 Vegan Products

Photo by Fuzzy Rescue 1st November marks Vegan Day, and more people than ever are adopting a vegan lifestyle, with the number of vegans here in the UK estimated to have risen to over 2 million in the last few years. As such, more companies than ever are producing products …

Home Manicure Tips For Nail Biters

Image Source Nail biting is something which is incredibly common, with an estimated 30% of adults and almost half of kids succumbing to a spot of nail nibbling. While plenty of studies have been conducted around nail biting, no conclusion has ever really been asserted regarding why humans do it, …

Give Yourself a Professional-Grade Treatment

Photo by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels There is often a difference between the types of products that a professional would use on your skin and the standard ones that you’d pick up on the High Street. Here at Pure Beauty, however, we stock a vast number of products which are …

Spring is Coming – Are Your Feet Ready?

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels For many of us, footcare is something which only really happens during the warmer, sandal-wearing months, and goes largely neglected while our feet are stuffed into boots and socks. But this means that by the time Spring rolls around, there are a lot of …

New Year, New Skincare Routine

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels The beginning of a new year is often a time where people want to make a change, start something new or make a pledge to overhaul an old behaviour. New Year’s resolutions are usually started with the best intentions but don’t always make it past …