Wash Away Waterproof Make-Up With Ease

Photo by Ron Lach  Waterproof make-up is a godsend in many ways, allowing us to stay looking perfect all day without the risk of sweat, rain or other moisture melting it away. However, the real challenge with waterproof make-up is finding products which will actually cleanse it away. Anything water-based …

Dermalogica 101

Dermalogica is one of our most loved brands that we offer at our salon and our online store. Clients and customers occasionally ask me questions regarding this brand, so I thought I would answer a few in a handy little blog post.   Is Dermalogica Worth The Money? Dermalogica, in …

Clean the Dermalogica Way

It seems that taking care of your skin has become increasingly complicated these days thanks to the endless products on the market and advice coming from the media. From basic care to expensive salon products and visits, it is easy to get confused about just what you need to do to keep …

Protecting your skin throughout the summer

There is an endless amount of advice out there when it comes to protecting your skin through the winter months but other than the obvious sun screen, there’s not a lot of information available when it comes to protecting your skin in the summer. Just as you have to adapt …

Don’t hold onto the stuff that doesn’t work

With so many new products being bought out onto the beauty market every day there’s no wonder people have got lotions and potions pouring out of every space they have available. If this sounds like you then it’s time to give your beauty regime a bit of an overhaul and …