Pure Beauty on Eucalyptus

You could be forgiven for thinking that eucalyptus’ sole usage was in cold remedies, for inhalation and helping to clear the sinuses with its potent odour, but eucalyptus has many uses, especially within beauty products. Pure Beauty stocks many products which contain eucalyptus, and we’re giving you the lowdown on …

Dealing with Stress the Pure Beauty Way

Most of us are aware that stress can have a profound effect on our bodies in lots of different ways, and the skin is one of the main places to suffer. From dryness to wrinkles to redness, stressed out skin is a real issue but fortunately we’ve got several products …

Get Your Feet Ready for Spring

Okay, okay, so unless you live somewhere other than the UK, there’s a very good chance that getting your feet into sandals is the last thing you want to be doing at the moment, but we promise, warm weather is definitely on its way! Rather than a mad rush to …

Mother’s Day at Pure Beauty

11 March is Mother’s Day in the UK and is a time for families to come together to celebrate the mums who make life lovely in so many ways. At Pure Beauty we stock a range of fantastic products from great brands and are certain there is something that will …

4 Ways That Showering is Making Your Skin Dry

  We’ve talked at length about all of the different things which dry our skin out, and in the winter it seems as though the whole world is conspiring to make us flaky. However, a lot of our customers report that their skin feels at it’s very driest after taking …