Give Yourself a Professional-Grade Treatment

Photo by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels There is often a difference between the types of products that a professional would use on your skin and the standard ones that you’d pick up on the High Street. Here at Pure Beauty, however, we stock a vast number of products which are …

Five Products to Energise Your Skin

At this time of year, one of the most common skin complaints that we hear from our clients is that they feel their complexion is dull and lacklustre. Winter can play havoc with your skin, with the harsh weather and central heating competing for the title of “what can dry …

How do I put Collagen back into my Skin?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, it forms scaffolds that provide strength and structure, that holds us together. Endogenous collagen is what we produce ourselves within our body, and Exogenous is synthetic collagen, what we put back in, in the forms of skincare and supplements. In …

Hero Ingredients to Look for in your Products

When you have a specific concern, you will look for help in the form of your Beauty Therapist, Aesthetician, or a line of home-care products. Sometimes it can be hard knowing what to look for when reading the extensive list of ingredients on the back of a product bottle. So, …

Get to grips with problem skin at Pure Beauty

We bet that anyone you talk to, however confident they seem and comfortable they appear to be, will have a skin issue or problem that gets them down. Dark circles. Fine lines. Sagging skin. Spots. Pigmentation. Whatever it is, someone other than you will be dealing with it. We are …