Autumn/Winter Skincare Suggestions

When you feel as if your skin is dry, dehydrated and sensitive from the turning of the seasons, what is the best thing to do? I would always suggest if you’re in a right pickle, then go and see a trained Beauty Therapist. They can shed some light on why …

The Ultimate Beauty List, Wedding Edition

As Lockdowns are eased, and we all start to get back to our normal lives, many businesses are opening again, and events are allowed to be held. One of them being Weddings! I have had many clients tell me that due to Lockdown, their wedding has been cancelled or moved, …

DIY Lockdown Skincare: is it safe or not?

There isn’t much a good facemask can’t cure. Whilst we have all been tucked away at home, with salons across the country closed, many have turned to DIY skincare remedies for their concerns. However, how safe is making your own skincare? Nowadays, some are looking for a more natural, “cleaner” …

How to Embrace Your Greys and Live Your Best Life!

Grey hair has been gaining popularity for a couple of years now, but the look seems to be most popular amongst younger women, choosing to dye their locks, rather than older women who are embracing their natural colour. However, with the likes of Jane Fonda and Sharon Osbourne proudly embracing …

Don’t let dry skin get you down

For many people, dry skin can be a big issue. The weather, cleaning products, air fresheners, and washing powder can all strip our skin of essential water and oils, leading to dryness and irritation as well as redness and embarrassment. At Pure Beauty we sell a range of problems that …