Love your sensitive skin

For many it can be problematic, embarrassing and expensive, but with the right products, you can learn to love your sensitive skin. Signs of sensitive skin include tightness, uneven texture, flakiness, dehydration, reactions to the weather, blemishes and so many other irritations. At Pure-Beauty we offer a range of products …

Feeling the lemon love at Pure Beauty

Did you know that the little yellow lemon can help with the treatment of throat infections, indigestion, constipation, fever, rheumatism, burns, obesity, respiratory disorders and high blood pressure,? Well it can and it can also really benefit your hair and skin too. At Pure Beauty we sell a range of products …

A Beginners Guide to Better Skin

Working with beauty products, day in, day out, means that we at Pure Beauty come into contact with a lot of different people, all of whom have different skin and different issues. It’s taught us that, although every single face is different, there are a few basic truths which remain …

The Lighter Touch

For many of us, using heavy products on our skin just isn’t an option. Skin which is oily or sensitive won’t respond well to anything but the lightest touch and products which are too rich will feel uncomfortable and may not even fully absorb. Today, we’re taking a look at …

Are you using the right moisturiser?

The changing seasons, stress of work and plethora of parties in the run up to Christmas can play havoc with your skin. Whilst you might skip using your toner or serum once in a while, it is vital to apply your moisturiser morning and night if you want to keep …