Harnessing the Power of Sea Salt

Here at pure Beauty, we’re passionate about products which contain only the best ingredients, which is why we keep our brands to a minimum, focusing on quality instead of quantity. For the brands we sell, using ingredients derived from nature is an obvious choice because it helps to ensure that …

Look After Your Skin During the Festive Season

This time of year can be hard on your skin. The weather is harsh and cold, central heating dries you out, and there’s way too much drinking and merriment for most of us, all of which can result in a dodgy complexion. We like to take a proactive approach at …

How to Energise Your Skin

With the days getting shorter and colder, many of us are suffering with a real lack of energy, and this can show through our skin. Complexions can become dull, eye bags are darker than ever and dryness can also be an issue. There are, however, a whole load of products …

Love your sensitive skin

For many it can be problematic, embarrassing and expensive, but with the right products, you can learn to love your sensitive skin. Signs of sensitive skin include tightness, uneven texture, flakiness, dehydration, reactions to the weather, blemishes and so many other irritations. At Pure-Beauty we offer a range of products …

Five Ways to Bring Out Your Inner ‘Morning Person’

There seems two be to types of people in the world – those who leap out of bed in the morning, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, while the others take a rather less enthusiastic approach. For most of us, being a ‘morning person’ is just not in our make up and spending …