Refine Your Look With Pure Beauty

When we think of someone who is refined, usually an upper class person who is well-educated and well-dressed springs to mind, however, when it comes to beauty, one doesn’t need elocution lessons or a personal dressmaker to be refined! Here at Pure Beauty, we stock several products which help to …

Dark Circles – What Causes Them and How to Get Rid of Them

There’s not much that can make you look more tired than having dark circles around our eyes, but are they really caused by tiredness and, apart from sleep, is there anything we can do to combat them? Read on for the lowdown on dark circles: What causes them? According to …

Tighten up with Pure Beauty

Sagging skin is one of the more annoying signs of ageing, but one which most of us have to deal with at some point. As we age, our bodies’ ability to produce collagen, the thing that sustains the skins structure, and we usually need a little extra help to keep …

What To Do If You Feel Like You’ve Let Yourself Go

There are a lot of things that can make us feel like we’ve let ourselves go, from bereavement to break-ups, births and illnesses, but it’s never too late to pull it back and get to a point where you feel like yourself again. Beauty is probably the last thing on …

Dealing with Stress the Pure Beauty Way

Most of us are aware that stress can have a profound effect on our bodies in lots of different ways, and the skin is one of the main places to suffer. From dryness to wrinkles to redness, stressed out skin is a real issue but fortunately we’ve got several products …