The Kids are Back at School – You Deserve a Treat!

It’s almost the beginning of September, which can mean only one thing – school will be starting soon and you’ve survived the holidays! As much as we all love spending lots of time with our little cherubs in the holidays, there’s no denying the fact that we’re suffering with a …

Dealing with Untidy Cuticles

Although some of us are lucky enough to be able to have live where we barely lift a finger to do the manual parts of life like cleaning and gardening, the majority of us have to get stuck in, and this can leave our hands in bad condition. Cleaning your …

Dealing with Stress the Pure Beauty Way

Most of us are aware that stress can have a profound effect on our bodies in lots of different ways, and the skin is one of the main places to suffer. From dryness to wrinkles to redness, stressed out skin is a real issue but fortunately we’ve got several products …

Get Yourself Some Avocado Power!

For a long time, avocado was viewed as a bit of a throwback to the Eighties, where everyone wanted to impress their dinner party guests with exotic ingredients. However, the mighty avocado is going through a bit of a renaissance with nutrition experts extolling their virtues at every opportunity and …

Travel Essentials from Dermalogica

Sometimes, the whole process of going on holiday can feel so stressful that it almost seems we need another holiday in order to recover from travelling in the first place! From the logistics of getting it all booked and paid for to actually packing and mobilising the whole family, holidays …