Hands-On Beauty

It’s that time of year when we’re all starting to get back out into the garden again, after a winter of neglect, which means that our hands and nails will take a battering from all the digging, trimming planting and pruning. Taking care of your hands required specific products which …

Firm Up with Pure Beauty!

Whether you’ve got issues with your eyes, mouth, neck or bottom, most women have an area which they’d love to be a little firmer. Today, we’re looking at some of our favourite products from Dermalogica and Decleor which help you to get rid of all the wobbly bits that you …

Product Focus: Dermalogica MAP-15 Regenerator

Every so often, we offer a product from our ranges which is so impressive that it deserves a post all of its own and this is definitely true of the anti-ageing wonder-product Dermalogica MAP-15 Regenerator. We thought we’d give you a comprehensive run-down of this product and exactly what it does …

Wake Up to Smoother Skin

In the words of the legendary Ray Charles, ‘night time is the right time’…for skincare! During the day, we often opt for products which aren’t as effective as it means we don’t have to deal with the shiny effects of richer lotions. However, using products specifically for use at night …

Skincare After Weight Loss

One really common skin issue that we hear from women is after a drastic weight loss, when they’re left feeling as though their skin lacks the fullness that it once had. Many women worry that weight loss will actually leave them looking older in the face, but that needn’t be …