Tea tree oil – can you see it on Pure Beauty?

Extracted from the Australian Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alternifolia), Tea Tree Oil has endless uses but is particularly good for your skin. It has become an increasingly popular ingredient in a wide variety of beauty such as skin and nail creams, massage oils and face wash, thanks to natural antiseptic and …

Transform Your Skin for Under £50

So, you’ve decided to upgrade your skincare and you’ve got a set budget for doing so. It’s really tempting to go out and buy as many products as you can afford from your beauty budget, but actually splurging on one fabulous product which does several jobs could make a much …

Soothe you skin with salt products from Pure Beauty

Despite getting bad press when it comes to your health, salt (well, sea salt to be precise) can actually help balance, protect and restore your skin. This is because sea salt is packed with magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium all of which are needed if you want great looking, health skin. …

Shop at Pure Beauty for a spring complexion

The winter can be harsh on our skin and the combination of the elements as well as layers of clothing, air conditioning and central hearing can cause damage that can be hard to repair. With spring on the way, now is the perfect time to go back to basics and get your …

Clean the Dermalogica Way

It seems that taking care of your skin has become increasingly complicated these days thanks to the endless products on the market and advice coming from the media. From basic care to expensive salon products and visits, it is easy to get confused about just what you need to do to keep …