5 New Years’ Resolutions You Should be Making for Your Skin

With 2017 just around the corner, there’s never been a better time to take a look at your skin and work out if there’s anything you could be doing better. Today, we take a look at 5 New Years’ resolutions that you should be making to ensure your skin looks …

Winter kindness from Dermalogica

For many of us, the cold crisp days of winter mean more than extra mugs of hot chocolate and a rosy glow. The down-turn in temperature can cause dryness to the face, feet and hands. Complexions can become dehydrated whilst flaking, cracking and eczema can cause pain and embarrassment. At …

Product Focus: Dermalogica Phyto Replenish Oil

This week, we’re excited to add a new product to our shelves; Dermalogica Phyto Replenish Oil. It’s a truly remarkable product which can be used on its own or added to your Dermalogica moisturiser and we thought we give you an overview of what’s in it and what it can …

Retinols from Dermalogica

“Retinol” is one of those words that we hear bandied about in adverts for beauty products almost every day, with many claiming it to be a wonder-ingredient. But what is retinol and why do we need it? Well, the long and short of it is pretty simple; it’s the animal …

Cleanse, tone and moisturise with Dermalogica

Whether you have dry, acne prone or ageing skin, if you cleanse, tone and moisturise morning and night, you’ll give you complexion the best chance to glow. Cleansing is key to beautiful skin and shouldn’t be missed however tired you are at the end of the day. Not only does it …